A dog’s loyalty is unquestionable, and if we needed any more proof, we won’t need it after reading this heartwarming story. A few days ago, the story of Leo, a loyal dog in Thailand who has been waiting for his owners in the same spot for nearly four years, went viral on social media. The best part is that a story like this can only have one happy ending, writes embounce

After hearing his story, he took to Facebook in a desperate attempt to find Leo’s parents after such a long wait. Then the miracle happened!

Someone contacted Anuchit Uncharoen and said the dog in his photos looks exactly like BonBon, the dog they lost in 2015.
BonBon’s decision was not popular with the owners, but they respected it. They also agreed to pay his vet bills and pay him a visit.

Let’s hope Leo stays at Saowalak’s house indefinitely!